How is God calling You?

Posted on February 23, 2024 in: General News

A grateful response to God's love for us is by sharing our time, our talent, and our treasure for the good of the Church. In fact, during the season of Lent, we are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Imagine giving of yourself, your time and your talent, as an almsgiving offering. One (of many) ways you can give of yourself is by serving in our parish community. Please consider the following opportunities to gratefully respond to God's love by:

  • becoming a liturgical minister to serve as a Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Acolyte
  • joining our choir to lead our congregation in prayerful song, or to play a musical instrument
  • serving on a parish committee or on the Pastoral Council
  • becoming a catechist to educate the younger members of our parish community, or by serving in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program
  • participating in the 55+ Club meetings and activities to socialize with the older members of our parish community
  • responding to occasionally lend a hand by:
    • participating in or supporting the Christmas boutique or other fund raising activities
    • helping to clean and decorate our Church for Easter and/or Christmas
    • serving at parish receptions
    • greeting worshipers as they arrive for Mass
    • becoming involved in our Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) basketball program
    • helping with our food drives and Christmas giving campaign

How is God beckoning to you? Look for the volunteer forms in the Narthex and let us know of your interests.  Your help is needed and appreciated.

St. Peter Pastoral Council