St. Peter Catholic Church

Synod Committee Pastoral Plan 2022-2023

Pope Francis characterizes two interrelated goals of the Synod process: “to listen to God so that we may hear the cry of his people; and to listen to his people until we are in harmony with the will to which God calls us.”  He has chosen as the Synod theme “Communion, Participation, and Mission.” Our parish Synod process began with the distribution of a survey, the Disciple Maker Index, followed by participation in listening sessions held throughout the Archdiocese. In our parish, an ad hoc committee was formed to collaborate with our pastor, Father Foley, in the development of a Pastoral Plan that takes into consideration not only the responses to the Disciple Maker Index survey, but also our individual role as stewards of our faith. It is the personal responsibility of each one of us, as stewards of the Church, to work in concrete ways to make our parish a true community of faith and a vibrant source of service to the broader community.

We believe that we must make every effort to encourage, challenge, mentor and raise up the young to take their rightful roles in the mission of the Church, entrusting responsibility to them as appropriate. As Pope Francis wrote, there is an “urgent need for the young to exercise greater leadership.”

Our focus now is on supporting each other as we renew and strengthen our relationship with Christ; and on encouraging each other to more faithfully live out the mission that Jesus is calling us to.

Our goals are intended to take into consideration the unique circumstances, gifts and callings of each person, family, and ministry. The 2022-2023 Pastoral Plan focuses on three primary goals addressing Faith Enrichment, Parish Life, and Spiritual Growth. These goals build upon the theme of the Synod and will help us to discern ways the Holy Spirit is already at work among us, identify what may be lacking and who may not be at the table and whom we may need to hear from to go forward in faith. In other words, how is God calling us to journey as a community – a community open wide for mission, to proclaim the Gospel of Christ more effectively through our words, actions, and life as Christians.

In addition to the established goals, a “We are Listening” receptacle will be placed in the Narthex to receive written feedback from our parishioners about the steps we are taking, or should be taking, to grow in our “journeying together.”

Goal: Enrich Our Faith

As a result of educational opportunities about various ways individuals may offer time and talent in service to our faith community, there will be an increase in the number of parishioners actively serving the parish in a variety of volunteer roles. Together, through a common rootedness in sacrament and service, we will continue the faith enriching mission of Jesus Christ as entrusted to the Church.

Achieve: Parishioners, including our youth, will become more actively involved in service to our faith community.

Issue an Invitation to Service on our website and through Flocknote, as well as by hosting “Ask Me” information tables at weekend liturgies in the Narthex, to provide information to our parishioners about faith enriching roles they may choose to engage in.

Identify key contacts for each ministry.

Recruit parishioners, including the newly confirmed through the RCIA or Confirmation programs, to become actively involved in liturgical ministries.

Increase the number of youth participants, including students/families enrolled in our religious education program, and in parish ministries e.g., acolytes, greeters, bulletin distributors.

Designate an area of the Narthex for the “Ask Me” table, with adequate room for individuals to congregate after designated weekend Liturgies. Individuals who are knowledgeable about the service role will be scheduled to staff the tables. Informational flyers or pamphlets will be available for distribution and will include the requirements for fulfilling the volunteer role, approximate time commitment, and contact information for an individual who can provide additional information.

Outcomes: As leaders and/or as participants, parishioners will become more involved by participating in a variety of service opportunities. By 2023 we will demonstrate an increase in participation by 25% from a baseline established in 2022.

When:  Information tables will begin in September 2022 with weekly focus on a specific parish or liturgical ministry, e.g., Catechists, Classroom Aides, Acolytes, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Choir, Cantors, Children’s Liturgy, etc.

Specific End Date: Information tables will be offered from September to November 2022. Opportunities to serve our parish will continue with information available on the parish website and in the Narthex.

Goal: Enhance Parish Life

A welcoming environment and the offer of hospitality should be a foundational element of our faith-sharing community. In community we strive to facilitate meaningful relationships, celebrate spiritual milestones, communicate what is going on, give people something to do, and build deeper connections. Following the pandemic years of isolation and fragmentation, we are now striving to renew a vibrant parish life.

Achieve: By offering a vast array of parish life activities, and by promoting volunteer participation in support of these activities, our parishioners will realize greater connection to one another and to the parish.

Identify or recruit volunteer leaders/liaisons to coordinate each existing parish life activity and recruit additional volunteers to support them. Activities include fund raising activities such as our gift card sales, making and selling of Plum Jam, the Holiday Boutique and raffle. Additional activities include serving coffee and donuts on Hospitality Sunday, coordinating the Giving Tree and the Food Drive, helping with church cleaning/decorating for Christmas/Easter, supporting a baby shower for families in need.

To promote youth athletics and the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), support the CYO Sports program as a program of St. Peter Church.

In support of our older parish and community members, promote the 55+ Social Program with a meeting room, published events/activities.

Discern the addition of a grief outreach ministry, prayer partnerships with students preparing for the reception of a sacrament, a telephone outreach to connect with shut-ins, and hosting a bi-annual hosted gathering to welcome new parishioners.

Promote broad participation by parishioners in parish life activities.

Outcomes: As leaders and/or as participants, parishioners will become more involved by participating in one, or in a variety of parish life opportunities. By 2023 we will demonstrate an increase in participation by 25% from a baseline established in 2022.

When:  Beginning October 2022 and ongoing, information and a call for volunteers will be communicated quarterly, or as appropriate, through the bulletin, Flocknote, the parish website and poster announcements in the Narthex about upcoming parish life activities.

Goal:  Support Spiritual Life

Achieve: By providing and promoting increased options to learn more about our faith; gain a greater understanding of the Bible; participate in accessible/affordable offsite retreats, participation in corporal works of mercy, the faithful of our parish will experience personal growth to enhance their spiritual lives.

As a supplement to the Catholic Update published monthly in our bulletin and on our website, offer educational sessions about Catholic teachings, Bible Study, Ways to Pray, and other relevant topics that will enhance the spiritual lives of the members of our congregation.

Promote ongoing faith formation among the parents of students in the Religious Education Program, supplementing their role as their children’s primary teachers. Consider a monthly opportunity to study a specific topic, e.g., The Eucharist, followed by time to socialize.

Coordinate outside retreat opportunities at accessible/affordable offsite locations.

Collaborate with organizations within the broader Pacifica community that advocate for and/or address prevalent needs, e.g., Faith in Action, the Pacifica Resource Center, American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

Collaborate with parishes within the Deanery to share resources for specific events, or other opportunities to enhance the spiritual life of our parishes.

Outcome:  Participants in any one of the options outlined will benefit from opportunities to grow in their faith and their spiritual lives.

When:  Beginning 2022 and continuing as group facilitators are available.


The Parish Synod Committee

Rev. Jerome Foley, Pastor

Sister Hilda Sandoval, Pastoral Associate

Kathleen Bissell, Pastoral Council President

Eileen Barsi, Pastoral Council/Liturgical Ministry Chairperson

Pat Carroll, Pastoral Council/Liturgy Committee

Erin Martin, Liturgical Minister/Parent

Nathaniel Ruppert, Parishioner

Molly Nappi, Youth Representative

Jane Njavro, Religious Ed Parent


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