Synod Update - April 13, 2023

As we work together to achieve the goals set in our 2022-2023 Pastoral Plan, we are happy to report the activities that have occurred to date.

Goal: Enrich Our Faith

As a result of educational opportunities about various ways individuals may offer time and talent in service to our faith community, there will be an increase in the number of parishioners actively serving the parish in a variety of volunteer roles. Together, through a common rootedness in sacrament and service, we will continue the faith enriching mission of Jesus Christ as entrusted to the Church.

Achieve: Parishioners, including our youth, will become more actively involved in service to our faith community.

Goal: Enhance Parish Life

A welcoming environment and the offer of hospitality should be a foundational element of our faith-sharing community. In community we strive to facilitate meaningful relationships, celebrate spiritual milestones, communicate what is going on, give people something to do, and build deeper connections. Following the pandemic years of isolation and fragmentation, we are now striving to renew a vibrant parish life.

  • To promote youth athletics and the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), support the CYO Sports program as a program of St. Peter Church.
  • In support of our older parish and community members, promote the 55+ Social Program with a meeting room, published events/activities.

As part of our Synod Pastoral Plan a series of staffed “Ask Me” tables were scheduled to provide information about various opportunities to share time and your talents in service to our faith community and the broader community. Together, through a common rootedness in sacrament and service we will continue the faith enriching mission of Jesus Christ as entrusted to the Church.

September 3/4      Liturgical Ministry: Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion / Liturgical Ministry: Reader /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/ASK%20ME%20Reader.pdf  /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Ask%20Me%20EMHC.pdf

September 10/11   Liturgical Ministry: Acolyte

September 17/18  Catechetical Ministry: Catechist and Classroom Aide

September 24/25  Parish Ministry: Hospitality / Liturgical Ministry: Choir and Cantor /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/ASK%20ME%20Music%20Minister.pdf

October 8/9           Parish Life: Holiday Boutique and Raffle /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/ASK%20ME%20Holiday%20Boutique%20and%20Raffle%20FINAL%20%281%29.pdf

October 15/16       Corporal Works of Mercy: The Giving Tree  and The Pacifica Resource Center/Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Ask%20Me%20About%20Pacifica%20Resource%20Center%20FINAL.pdf

October 22/23       Parish Life: CYO Youth Basketball (Go Celtics!)/Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Ask%20Me%20About%20St_%20Peter%20CYO%20Basketball%20-%20FINAL.pdf

October 29/30       Parish Life: 55+ Social Club    /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Ask%20Me%20About%2055%20Plus%20Club%20Revised.pdf

November 5/6       Parish Life in Support of the Community:  Friends of St. Peter’s Relay for Life / Parish Life: Faith in Action /Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Ask%20Me%20About%20Faith%20in%20Action.pdf


Detailed information about these ministries, events, programs and opportunities is available upon request.

In support of Goal 3: Support the Spiritual Life of the Parish, an Advent Mission, "Listening for the Voice of Jesus" was presented by Rev. Bart Landry, who spoke at all liturgies  on December 3/4 and continued the mission on both December 5/6. On March 25, 2023, Laura Bertone of the Office of Worship in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, presented a Lenten Retreat on the topic of "Mass as Thanksgiving." 30 parishioners attended. Flocknote published a Lenten series on The Eucharist which was sent weekly to all participating parishioners during Lent and daily during the Triduum.  Portals/St-Peter-Pacifica/CMAdmin/Advent%20Mission%202022_elb.pdf