The Oblate School of Theology is offering the following online opportunities to enrich our faith and increase our knowledge:
Jesus, Discipleship, and Salvation in Luke's Gospel
Wednesdays September 15-October 6 |1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Central Time | Online Option Available
- What, specifically, does Luke have to say about who Jesus is, what role the disciples play, and how salvation was won through Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection? This four session course will read both from Luke and some commentaries, as it explores these questions.
- For more information and to register for this course:
Father Ron Rolheiser Lecture Series | Domestic Monastery
Wednesdays, October 13, 20, 27, 2021 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central Time | Onliine Option Avaiilable
- The domestic can also be the "monastic." Your marriage, your family, and your work can be your own monastery. The alarm clock that wakes you in the morning is your monastic bell and your work and duties each day are your monastic rhythm. Monks have secrets worth knowing and one of those secrets is contained in the aphorism: Go to your cell and it will teach you all you need to know! These lectures will draw from the monastic tradition to shed light on our own human and spiritual journey.
- For more information and to register for this course:
For information about other offerings at the Oblate School of Theology, check the Events website @ .