Imagine participating in a church choir! During the month of July our Director of Music Ministry, Tony Eiras, is offering an opportunity for the youngsters of our parish, age 7-12, as well as adults, to join a "pop-in" choir. Here's how it works:
First, check the schedule to confirm who will be singing that Sunday, the adult or the children's choir, and then plan to "pop-in" for rehearsal at 10 A.M. and sing at the 11 A.M. Mass.This is the schedule:
July 2 Adult Singers
July 9 Children (7-12)
July 16 Adult Singers
July 23 Children (7-12)
July 30 All Singers
You may direct questions to our Music Director, Tony Eiras, through the parish rectory phone number, 650-359-6313.